Mark Harrop

Front-End Developer

self portrait of Mark Harrop, website owner

Who I am

Hi, I'm Mark. I'm a front-end web developer based out of Toronto, and have found a passion for web development and learning new programming languages. After working for years in the automotive coatings industry, I have launched a new career as a developer, graduating from the Juno College Immersive Bootcamp.

I am an avid golfer, home handyman, and life-long learner. I can't wait to take on new adventures and create further projects.



screenshot of Quarantine Pursuit Trivia Game

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Quarantine Pursuit

React/RESTful API/Firebase/Group-Programming

The Quarantine Pursuit Trivia game uses the Open Trivia Database API to pull in data based on the users selections. Users can select various categories, number of questions, type of quiz (multiple choice or True/false), as well as the difficulty level.

COVID Confidential


The COVID Confidential App allows users to communicate their feelings about how the COVID pandemic has affected them. The users responses are store in Firebase and displayed in the app in reverse chronological order.

screenshot of COVID Confidential app

Click Image to view live

screenshot of the MARVEL-ous Matches memory card game

Click Image to view live

MARVEL-ous Matches

HTML5/CSS3/RESTful API/Vanilla JS/Pair-Programming

The MARVEL-ous Matches app uses the MARVEL API to pull character images in a randomized array to the memory match game. The game duration is timed and teh number of moves is calculated based on a flip of two cards. A pop-up displays the overall time and number of moves based on the users results. The user can play again, which causes another randomization.

Hit me up

If you would like to contact me, please enter your name, e-mail and a brief message and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Would always be willing to sit down over Zoom for a coffee, tea or pint of beer.